Monday, May 11, 2009

Great Horned Owl

This morning when I went to the church for Sewing Day, I learned that a Great Horned Owl was on the church grounds. A lady out for her morning walk spotted him and called our pastor. They corralled it so it wouldn't get into the street and get run over. Poor thing couldn't fly either because it was too young or had been hurt. The police came with a cage to hold the owl until the Game Warden could come get it. Very beautiful bird. We were fortunate to be able to see it up close and personal!


Lorraine Fuller said...

Wow, he is beautiful! Did Jerry manage to baptise it? LOL Too bad it couldn't stay around for the kids to see it, what an awesome opportunity.

Fran said...

oh my gosh...I'm glad they called someone to come get it...the eagle lady from Florida would be so happy....she probably would have come to get it....what a treat for you....